Wednesday, August 1, 2007

petition for picture new york!

If you are a independent filmmaker or enjoy independent video and media please take a moment to read the following and sign the petition:

via Split Screen

We need everyone who works in any kind of independent or personal or experimental film or video or installation work to click on this site - and sign this ePetition, please:

I'm with this ad hoc group of us, Picture New York - - who just formed to fight these proposed regulations from our Mayor's Office of Film Theater and Broadcasting --- these proposed rules would require any two people doing handheld work for more than a half hour and any five people with a tripod for even ten minutes - (including set-up & breakdown) - to get a permit from the city -- which can take up to a month - AND to get a million dollars worth of insurance.

So - I don't have to explain to your readers the chilling effect this is going to have on all kinds of films and videos -- They just didn't know what they were doing when they wrote these regulations, and these two laws are merely the most heinous.

The only ammunition we have is public pressure - we got a great write-up in The NY Times on Saturday, we've got 6000 signatures, lots of very talented people on it - major stills fotogs, patti smith, barbara kopple - and we're meeting with the Mayo's Office and trying to get them to delay the August 3 deadline and throw these regs out

I know everyone gets asked to sign things online - but this is one case where every single signature really matters - we're going to print them out at the end of the week and personally hadn them over to the mayor's office and - also - hopefully - email the MOFTB, or even write a real letter, and email everyone they know, especially any kind of official group.

Although these proposed regulations are for New York City, if they were to succeed in limiting what independent video and filmmakers have to say, you could be sure that regulations like this one will pop up all over.

For an insightful take on this matter check out this video from video artist Julie Talen.


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